Chair of JTS, Mary Popple, explains why we have to re-open the appeal
The Scotland Malawi Partnership have been holding a series of information exchange Zoom meetings with health professionals, academics and others in Malawi, and we in Scotland who have projects, supplier partners and colleagues in Malawi. At the last meeting we were informed that Malawi experienced a spike in Coronavirus cases following the rallies held before the successful election at the end of June. Worryingly we were told that the country has few COVID-19 testing kits, that there is still a concern that people, particularly those in rural areas are unaware of preventative measures that can be taken, and that the very poor do not have the resources to protect themselves.
We are in frequent contact with the leaders of the Kilombero rice farmers in Karonga who have confirmed the very real fear that in this remote part of Malawi, were the virus to take hold, the results could be devastating. They tell us that many people in their remote community are still not aware of the seriousness of this disease and what they can do to help prevent it. Although we have already raised £5000 to provide buckets, sanitisers, masks and some radio advertising we are again appealing for help. This time the specifics are around raising awareness to enable local people to help prevent the spread of COVID in their communities and following up with the provision of masks. Our colleagues in KASFA are putting together a programme of awareness raising, visiting remote communities with local health officials and providing masks for all members of farmers’ families.
Jade and Nicola visit some of the Woman Farmer Foundation farmers to learn more about their crops and farming techniques and some of the challenges they face.
After attending the WFTO International Fair Trade Summit in Capetown, Jade and Nicola were lucky enough to get to go visit one of our producer groups, Black Mamba. If you haven't tried their delicious chilli products yet, head right over to our online shop and invest in some serious taste. Above is Nicola and Jade with Black Mamba Founder, Claudia. Now over to Nicola to tell the story in her own words...
True Origin is a JTS brand. JTS is a social enterprise (SC357178) wholly owned by The Balmore Trust, a charitable trust registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity SC008930). Website design by Big Front Door