Smoked Tofu Kedgeree

Perfect for a healthy lunch, dinner or as an accompaniment

  • 175g Kilombero Rice
  • 225g smoked tofu, drained and cubed
  • 2 hard boiled eggs (slice one, dice the other)
  • 50g butter or vegan margarine
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Khoisan Natural Salt and Rainbow Pepper
  • 4 tbsp chopped parsley
  • Spring onion, chopped (optional)
  • 50g peas (optional)

  1.  Cook the rice according to the packet instructions and allow to cool.
  2.  Melt the butter or margarine in a large frying pan, add the tofu cubes and a good pinch of cayenne          pepper. Cook for 5 minutes. 
  3.  Add the cooked rice, chopped egg, spring onion and peas (if using) and continue to cook until all is         heated through. Season and stir in the parsley.
  4.  Garnish with the sliced egg and serve.

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