One Pot Cape Curry

A stunning vegan curry with a chicken alternative

A mild and comforting dish with the rice cooked in the same pot to absorb all the flavours and save on the washing up. 

Serves 2 super-hungry people or 4 people looking forward to pudding….

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of oil – olive, rapeseed or coconut 
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds 
  • 1 large onion – finely sliced
  • 1 red pepper – sliced 
  • 2 tablespoons of Cape Curry Yellow Curry Paste
  • Half a can of plum tomatoes
  • 200ml vegetable stock 
  • 400ml coconut milk
  • 400g chickpeas
  • 150g Kilombero Rice
  • Khoisan Natural Salt to taste


  1. Heat the oil in the pan, add the mustards seeds and listen for them starting to pop then add the                 onions and let them soften and colour, then add the peppers. 
  2. When the peppers are just starting to soften add the curry paste. Keep stirring to stop it sticking and       until it releases its lovely spicy aroma. 
  3. Add the tomatoes, crushing them a bit in the pan. Pour in the stock. Chickpeas go in next. Cover and      simmer to heat the chickpeas. 
  4. Now the coconut milk can go into the pan until it’s at a steady simmer. 
  5. Finally add the rice and give it a good stir. Cover the pan and leave on a gentle simmer until the rice         has absorbed a bit of the liquid and become tender (about 15 to 20 minutes but keep checking).               Add a little more stock if all the liquid has been absorbed. Season to taste. 

Serve with crunchy poppadoms and warm naan bread. 


This amazingly delicious creamy curry is vegan…but if you want to use traditional chicken instead of chickpeas just start by browning chicken pieces in the hot oil. Then remove it from the pan and maybe add a little oil if needed to pop your mustard seeds. Follow the recipe up to adding the chickpeas and instead add your seared chicken. Make sure the chicken is completely cooked (no pinkness) and piping hot before adding the rice.  

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