JTS and Development

Using trade to rectify injustice

We see trade as a vital key to rectifying injustice.  Where necessary and within our capacity, we supplement this trading and our education work with producer development support and training.  Most of our development work is in the north of Malawi as we have played a pivotal role in growing the smallholder farmers association in this land locked country.  These farmers produce our premier product, the delicious Great Taste award winning Kilombero Rice and it is vitally important to us to support them and to see this partnership continue to grow.  

It is thanks to grants from the Scottish Government that we have been able to progress with the development projects.

Working with the Scottish Government

Please click the link below and read the document produced for the Scottish Government which tells the story of how their grant done so much good work in Malawi.  It helped to improve the livelihoods of rice farmers in Karonga through seed multiplication and developing an assured market in the Scotland and beyond.

Download Just Rice Report

How to donate

 In order for JTS to continue this development work and the betterment of lives in some of the poorest communities in the world, we need financial input.  Most of this comes in the forms of grants and donations from organisations, churches, individuals etc. 

If you would like to be a part of our work and help us on our journey to create brighter futures, help those work their way out of poverty with dignity, create sustainable incomes, create a market for the fruits of their labour, help educate the children of our farmers, provide the right tools the farmers need to work their farms more efficiently then please donate using the button below.  Help us to make a difference in this world of inequality......
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