We are pleased to publish our latest Dignity Through Trade report, our annual report for 2021/22. This reports on the year to end January 2022, a period in which we were all still very much dealing with COVID and the associated lockdowns and global supply chain challenges.
JTS survived the pandemic through the hard work of a stable and focussed staff team energised and committed to what they do, and a Board that is focussed on driving strategy and supportive interrogation of the business. We remain very grateful for all the support we receive from customers across the UK, your orders are crucial to us and of course to our producer partners.
It would be fair to say that 2022 has brought its own set of significant challenges (which partly explain why this report is being issued later in the year than planned). We really hope you will find the report an inspiring read; it has certainly been good to look back on last year and see the progress we made then and are continuing to make this year.
As we continue to focus on putting people and planet first, we hope we can count on your support to help us fulfil our mission to provide Dignity through Trade.